Monday, June 12, 2006


i like being anti-social (: hermit. haha, just lying on my couch e whole day watching e day go by, watching the skies. i have this obsession with the sky i think 0_o stars, moon, clouds, sunsets. haha.

just realised chi songs have this angst in em that english songs just can't achieve. grins. esp jay chou. haha. he sounds permanently sad. which reminds me of that night at stef's bday dinner, and i brought my ipod for music. it was supposed to be a happy 'romantic' dinner, but i couldn't find many happy songs in my ipod -.- haha. they're all e angsty, melancholic, depressing kinda songs. and so we ended up listening to disney songs (y) high school musical (: haha.

i miss mel, suefaye, jeremy and junwee ): plus the dancers = angie, cat, krist, goldfish, viola and everyone. pouts. i want to dance!

kaleni's being an absolute darling and helping me buy stuff in us (: hahaha. yay.

: shan hu hai :: jay chou :


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